Primary materials

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Guidance for judicial office holders (Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 12 December 2023) <> accessed 15 February 2024Artificial Intelligence (Regulation) Bill (HL Bill 11) <> accessed 15 February 2024‘Considerations When Using ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence Software Based on Large Language Models’ (The Bar Council, 30 January) <> accessed 15 February 2024EU AI Act <> accessed 15 February 2024Generative AI Framework for HM Government (The Cabinet Office, 18 January) <> accessed 15 February 2024Global Risks Report 2024 (World Economic Forum, 10 January 2024) <> accessed 15 February 2024Large Language Models and Generative AI, (Communications and Digital Committee, HL Paper 54, 2 February) <> accessed 15 February 2024‘The Near-Term Impact of AI on the Cyber Threat’ (National Cyber Security Center, 24 January 2024) <> accessed 15 February 2024White Paper: A Pro Innovation Approach to AI Regulation, 22 June 2023 <> accessed 15 February 2024

secondary materials


Abbott, R. Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence (Edward Elgar, 2022) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]Chesterman, S. We, the Robots?: Regulating Artificial Intelligence and the Limits of the Law (Cambridge, 2021) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]Davies, A. AI and the Legal Profession: Transforming the Future of Law (Globe Law and Business, 2023) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]Deem, M. & Warren, M. AI on Trial (Bloomsbury, 2022) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]Dubber, M., Pasquale, F. & Das, S. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI (Oxford University Press, 2021)Kerrigan, C. (ed.) Artificial Intelligence: Law and Regulation (Edward Elgar, 2022) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]Lee, K., Hilty, R. M. & Liu, K. Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property (Oxford University Press, 2021) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]Quintavalla, A. (ed). Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights (Oxford University Press, 2023) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]Ryberg, J. & Roberts, J. V. (eds.) Sentencing and Artificial Intelligence (Oxford University Press, 2022) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]Turner, J. Robot Rules (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) [Held at the Inner Temple Library]


Adams, R. ‘More Than Half of UK Undergraduates Say They Use AI to Help With Their Essays.’ (The Guardian, 1 February 2024) <> accessed 15 February 2024Allen, R. & Masters, D. ‘Technology Managing People - the Legal Implications’ (The AI Law Consultancy Cloisters, 11 February 2021) <> accessed 15 February 2024Amariles, D. R. & Baquero, P. M. 'Promises and Limits of Law for a Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence’ (Computer Law & Security Review, Volume 48, 2023)<> accessed 15 February 2024Barnett, J. et al. JudicialTech Supporting Justice (October 10, 2023)  <> accessed 15 February 2024'Bias in Algorithms – Artificial Intelligence and Discrimination' (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2022) <> accessed 15 February 2024Buckland, R. ‘AI, Judges and Judgment: Setting the Scene’ (M-RCBG Associate Working Paper Series 2023.220, November 2023) < accessed 16 February 2024Buckland, R. ‘Artificial Intelligence and Digitalisation: A New Hope for Justice or a New Threat?’ (Conservatives, 25 April 2023) < accessed 16 February 2024Byrom, N. ‘Unregulated AI Legal Advice Puts the Public at Risk’ (Law Society’s Gazette, 27 December 2023) <> accessed 15 February 2024Chien, C. V. et al. ‘How Generative AI Can Help Address the Access to Justice Gap Through the Courts’ (Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 30 January 2024) <> accessed 15 February 2024Federspiel F. et al. ‘Threats by Artificial Intelligence to Human Health and Human Existence’ (BMJ Global Health, 2023 May; 8(5))<> accessed 15 February 2024Fernandez, Jose Vida. ‘Artificial Intelligence in Government: Risks and Challenges of Algorithmic Governance in the Administrative State’ (Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol. 30, No. 1) <> accessed 15 February 2024 [Available via HeinOnline at the Inner Temple Library]Friis, S. & Riley, J. ‘Eliminating Algorithmic Bias Is Just the Beginning of Equitable AI’ (Harvard Business Review, 29 September 2023) < accessed 15 February 2024'Generative AI Could Radically Alter the Practice of Law' (The Economist, 6 June 2023) <> accessed 15 February 2024 [Paywall]Gruetzemacher, R. & Whittlestone, J. ‘The Transformative Potential of Artificial Intelligence’ (Futures, Volume 135, 2022) <> accessed 15 February 2024Hanna, A. & Bender, E. M. ‘AI Causes Real Harm. Let’s Focus on That over the End-of-Humanity Hype’ (Scientific American, 12 August 2023) <> accessed 15 February 2024'Intelligence Impacts Marginalised Groups' (Digital Freedom Fund, 29th May 2021 <> accessed 15 February 2024Mansoor, S. ‘Kay Firth-Butterfield On Harnessing AI’s Power Responsibly’ (Time Magazine, 11 February 2024) <> accessed 15 February 2024Rillig, M. C. Et al. ‘Risks and Benefits of Large Language Models for the Environment’ (Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57(9)) <> accessed 15 February 2024Schuett, J. ‘Three Lines of Defense Against Risks from AI’ (AI & Society, 2023) <> accessed 15 February 2024Shwartz, V. ‘Artificial Intelligence Needs to be Trained on Culturally Diverse Datasets to Avoid Bias’. (The Conversation, 13 February 2024) <> accessed 15 February 2024Susskind, D. 'Generative AI Will Upend the Professions' (Financial Times, 18 June 2023) <> accessed 15 February 2024 [Paywall]Walz, A. & Firth-Butterfield, K. ‘Implementing Ethics into Artificial Intelligence: A Contribution, from a Legal Perspective, to the Development of an AI Governance Regime’ (Duke Law & Technology Review, 18, 2019-2020) <> accessed 15 February 2024 [Available via HeinOnline at the Inner Temple Library]


'AI in Real Life' (IRL Podcast, Season 6) <> accessed 15 February 2024'Can AI Discriminate?' (People. Law. Power, 15 June 2023) <> accessed 15 February 2024‘Building an Ethical AI Future with Kay Firth-Butterfield’ (Forbes Books: Trust, 28 September 2023) <> accessed 15 February 2024‘Tech and Ethics: The World Economic Forum’s Kay Firth-Butterfield on Doing the Right Thing in AI’ (Me, Myself, and AI, 17 November 2020) <> accessed 15 February 2024'When AI Disrupts the Law' (Ethics and AI, 11 November 2019) <> accessed 15 February 2024

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